Realm Works Community Wish List

A place for Realm Works users to suggest track and vote on feature requests.
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3 votes Vote

Player View iPad APP

APP for iPad that displays what a GM authorizes during game session
Vinciente , 30.11.2018, 19:30
2 votes Vote

LINKING - Create first occurrence only

Would love an option to 'Link first occurrence only' as every time I do this, I have to 'Create Link' and then 'Ignore all future links' unless I want to wait a very very long time for RW to link every occurrence of each name.
daplunk, 06.12.2018, 21:06
2 votes Vote

Add key shortcut for "Add a snippet of same type"

Ctrl+T currently adds a new Text snippet. I often find that I want to add multiple snippets of other types (specifically for me, it is often named Labeled Text snippets). It would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut that would add another empty...
Mark Greene, 06.01.2019, 23:25
2 votes Vote

Checkbox or other binary Yes/No snippet type

When working with "checklist" type situations, it would be desirable to have a Yes/No or checkbox type of snippet to more easily adjudicate them.
Mark Greene, 06.01.2019, 23:28
2 votes Vote

Relative Dates

Many adventures and published campaigns have some fuzzy dating in which the GM must manage the eventual date/time of something "A week ago," "last month," "in a few days," and "x years ago" are pretty common examples in published adventures and...
Mark Greene, 06.01.2019, 23:33
1 vote Vote

Quick Edit Content: Re-sequence and Synchronize

An option to do both the re-sequence and synchronize options to match the category structure. When cleaning up old content, I find that I am always having to do both to make sure I get the result I want.
Gord, 15.12.2018, 18:23
1 vote Vote

Create multiple relationships at once

When creating relationships between two Topics, there are often cases in which multiple relationships are valid and needed (ex. Owner/Subsidiary as well as Resident/Residence for someone who lives in the shop s/he owns, or Parent/Child and...
Mark Greene, 06.01.2019, 23:42
1 vote Vote

Associate a pin to a reveal zone like area or room

If is possible to associare a area of a Map to a pin so ip possible to reveal this area only selecting a context menu over the pin
Elish, 22.03.2019, 11:34

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